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A LITTLE LIFE UPDATE I am living in a quite busy time right now. Everything is a bit confusing, because I don't know how my life will change and what is the best thing for me. There are so many options but I can't really decide what I should do with my life. Maybe I have a little FOMO, who knows.  So, one month ago I finished my high school degree with almost the maximum score. The maximum score at our school in Italy is 100 points and I finished my school career with 98 points. Yes, I admit that it would have been wonderful, if I had reached the 100 points and I can not really say that I am satisfied with these results. Don't get me wrong, I am totally happy about this 98 points and I think, that I have totally earned them. Although these points don't have really a significance in the future  I would love to have reached the maximum score. It means something totally different if you have 100 points or just 98 points. But now I can't really change anything.  Since t

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